Hello 2010 The year of CHANGE…

Hello 2010 The year of CHANGE… I must say that 2009 was all in all a very good year for me. I came to terms with a lot of things in my life that were in turmoil, and put them to rest or built on them.  I started off 2009 with the goal of loosing weight. More specificaly I set a goal to loose 100 pounds by Feb 1st 2010. I started off the year looking like this.. I know, not the greatest pic of me. But that was me in February 2009. Fat, Lazy, eating anything Unhealthy in site. Was a total pig. But I was oblivious to the harm both mentally and physically I was doing to myself. I had spent several years cooped up in my own little world where I had never changed sense I was 21. To me I still looked the same. Even though I knew I didn’t. My subconscious mind had tricked me into believing that all was well.. This was CLEARLY not the case. I was depressed all the time. Felt sorry for myself. I even kept telling myself that I could fix this I can just go to the gym and I’ll be back to my old self. But I also kept telling myself I’ll do it tomorrow. And tomorrow came and went and I would reassure myself I’ll do it tomorrow you were just to busy today. When in truth I wasn’t. I would come home and get on my computer and escape to my own little world of online games. I’d shut out the rest of the REAL world and escape for several hours till I went off to dream land. I wake up and do it all over again. Day after day. I got myself up to a wopping 280 pounds the largest I had ever been. In September 2008 I made a huge change in my life. I moved out of my grandfathers house for the first time in almost 8 years. I decided then thatI needed a change in my life. I moved in with my best friend Nick. Nick is perhaps the oldest friend I have. We met when we were both 17. He was my first boy friend.. I know awww right.. haha.  We have had our moments over the years. Stopped talking a few times and started again. But through it all remained friends. I started a new job and he worked next door at his beloved Starbucks.  I found out he needed a roommate and he asked if I would like to move in. I accepted. At that moment I think my life changed forever. After spending 8 years cooped up in my room at my grandfathers house I had forgotten what it was like to have friends. I had forgotten what it was like to go out and party, act stupid, meet new people, and most importantly experience new things.  My life up till that point was the same boring routine day after day. In that one single instant it all changed. However it was not at all an easy process. Not long after I moved in. I began to realize that meeting new people was not very easy when your 280 pounds.  At the same time Nick was going through a life style change too and coming out of his shell.. He was meeting new people experiancing new things. And to be completely honest I was jealous of him. I wanted that too. So I reflected on my current situation and decided that it was time to take this change to the next level and get FIT! so starting Jan 1 2009 I joined a gym Feb 1 I signed up with a personal trainer from Extreme Fitness. His name was Chris Pena, and he was AWESOME! coming into the gym I had no clue what to do. I was embarassed at being so fat amongst all the hot bodys there. Chris made me feel at ease. He told me one day you will look like that, and I’m here to help you. He took me through each work out built a routine around my strengths and weaknesses.  At first I thought he had a death wish for me. I was not seeing any results after the first few weeks, and as such was getting discouraged. I thought maybe I cant fix this. But he kept telling me it takes time and you will see results soon. So with his encouragement and that of my friends and family I kept pushing myself along. After 2 months I realized they were right! 20 pounds down. At this point I was already starting to notice changes in my body. I was feeling better about myself, I had more energy, I could feel my muscles growing. I began to thing I CAN DO THIS! fast forward a few months and I finished my training sessions with him. I left knowing what to do now. I had the skills to improve myself now with out the aid of others. I’ve taken his program he helped me make and built on it. Now I am well on my way to reaching my goal I set for myself I started 2009 off at 280 pounds, I ended it at 190 pounds I had lost 90 pounds in a year that made me feel unbelievably confident that I could change my body and life. It can only be described as the best feeling in the world. On a personal level I am so proud of myself for sticking with it. So while I entered 2009 looking like the first picture I leave it looking what I must say is CONSIDERABLY different that. It’s been a long road and I still have a good bit of work to do, I’ve fallen off the tracks and gotten back on them, but all in all I think I can do it. No I KNOW I can do it. I WILL reach my goal of reshaping my body. I initial started this transformation for some pretty vain reasons, but that’s changed I want to do it not because I want to only look good, but I want to FEEL good as well. I now feel better about myself than I have in the last 8 years. I’m much more outgoing, energetic, friendly, and all in all happy. Now it’s time to start stage 3 of my new life as we progess into 2010. I’ve got big plans for this year. I want to make it the best year of my life. So much I want to do and see. It’s not going to be easy it will require some sacrafice’s on my part but I think it will be worth it all in the end. Just a few of my goals for this year in clude: 1) To continue my physical and mental transformation 2) MOVE out of Panama City 3) Quit smoking 4) Meet lots of new people and make lots of new friends These are my two 4 goals of the year. The foremost one being to move. I’ve grown tired of Panama City, It’s a great place to live. But after 28 years I NEED to move on and experience new places and faces. There is a whole world out there and I want to SEE it! My best friend Nick moved to Fort Lauderdale at the end of last year. We had went down on vacation there in September and I fell in love. I’ts a great city. Lots to explore and experience, and I believe my heart is set on moving there now. At first I was a little hesitant of moving there. I felt it was more of Nicks dream to live there. But after visiting, I fell in love. So I’ll leave you now with this image of what’s to come in the new year. It’s gonna be a great year!!


  1. wow Chris. I don’t know if I’ve ever seen you express yourself in such a way. I’m glad that we got you out of your Grandfather’s house….sorry that you had to move back in there temporarily but I know that you won’t retreat back into your old ways. You’ve certainly come a very very long way from when we first re-connected after all those years. I was a bit shocked to see how much you’d changed – it wasn’t for the better. I’m so happy for you that you’re turning it all around. I know you are a happier person now. I know you’ve certainly gotten more confidence! Honestly, I wish you’d find more confidence within yourself and not get it from other people….ie…”dates.” I just worry about you sometimes. I know that our opinions differ on some issues, but I care about you and don’t want you to end up with some permanent souvenir from some lame ass guy. I just wish you would respect your body more. You are worth more. I’m no angel of course, maybe just a bit pickier. It was one hell of a 2009 though huh? I’m looking forward to more change in 2010 as well. I haven’t smoked a cigarette all day long and though I can’t promise I won’t ever again, I will try one day at a time not to. I’m definitely happy living in Ft Lauderdale – I think probably the best decision I have made in a very very long time. On the cusp of 30, I just needed to see something different, NEW. I wish you would move down here, maybe you’d be able to drag my ass into the gym with you and “show me the ropes.” Wilton Manors is definitely a neighborhood unlike any other I have ever seen. It will be fun for a while….who knows where life will take us next. Change is good. Change is evolving.

  2. Wow chris, I follow you on Twitter and I didn’t know you had all this baggage in your past!

    Conhgratulations on your great work and I hope that 2010 brings you all that you desire and deserve, and more.

    I was in a similar place to where you were a year ago, psychologically and physically, and understand exactly where’re you’re coming from. I’ve lost a fifth of my bodyweight in 15 months and hope to lose more (Christmas has been a bit of a slide back, but I’m sure I’ll get over it) and I hope you do too.

    I stopped smoking before I started on the physical improvements (diet/exercise) because I thought that the inevitable comfort eating would be easier to get rid of that way, and I think it was. I’ve not had a single cigarette (or even a dtrag) for 20 months now and I honestly think I have it beat. And you will, too!

    good luck with your endeavours and I look forward to reading of your progress over the coming year here and on Twitter!

  3. Good story. Nice new blog. Pisskiss. See ya on Twitter. @yellowboy16

  4. Hi buddy I’m one of your followers on twitter (@madhatter7zero). I saw your link you posted on twitter and came to check out your blog. I like the template you chose. I just want to say that your weight loss story is very inspiring and I am jealous LOL. I just wish I could lose 10 or 20 pounds. That is one of my goals for 2010. I hope you don’t mind but I posted a short note and link on my blog (http://hatsbydavid.blogspot.com/) about your weight loss story. If you would like to do a link exchange with me on that blog let me know. Later dude 🙂

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